
On The Ballot: Amending Wisconsin’s Constitution
Once the constitution is amended to include a new policy, for good or ill, it is nearly impossible to ever remove. That being said, Wisconsin voters have some big decisions coming up in this year’s elections and beyond.  Read More On The Ballot: Amending Wisconsin’s Constitution
What School Districts Don’t Want You To Know About Their Referendums
Districts going for recurring referendums this spring are leaving out some important details in their attempts to convince voters that they're broke. If the referendums pass, two districts would surpass $40,000 of revenue per pupil per year and one district would double its revenue limit. On average, they're asking for five times what they lost from the expiring federal covid aid.  Read More What School Districts Don’t Want You To Know About Their Referendums
Highlights From Tucker Carlson’s Visit To Wisconsin
WATCH - The MacIver Institute hosted Tucker Carlson in Brookfield Wisconsin on Nov. 8, 2023. Tucker spoke at length about the state of our culture and the role conservatives have to play. Here is the best of the best from his comments.  Read More Highlights From Tucker Carlson’s Visit To Wisconsin
DPI Quarterly Seminar: Dr. Love On Hate, Reparations, And White Rage
DPI sponsors seminar with Dr. Bettina Love on White Rage and $2 trillion in Educational Reparations  Read More DPI Quarterly Seminar: Dr. Love On Hate, Reparations, And White Rage
An Inside Look at the Hamas Rally on UW-Madison’s Campus
WATCH - Everybody claims that no one is in charge at UW-Madison's pro-Hamas rally, despite a high level of coordination, control, and messaging.  Read More An Inside Look at the Hamas Rally on UW-Madison’s Campus
Three Current and Former UW-Madison Diversity Officials Accused of Academic Fraud
They were caught trying to pass off old data as new research. Experts say that's fraud.  Read More Three Current and Former UW-Madison Diversity Officials Accused of Academic Fraud
Ranked Choice Is The Worst Possible Choice For Wisconsin
Ranked-Choice Voting Is An Overly Complicated, Unconstitutional Mess Of An Electoral System  Read More Ranked Choice Is The Worst Possible Choice For Wisconsin
Ranked Choice Voting Bill Gets Hours of Testimony
Opponents and Supporters Had Their Say Yesterday at Ranked Choice Voting Hearing  Read More Ranked Choice Voting Bill Gets Hours of Testimony
Be Careful What You Wish For
Dan O’Donnell raises some deep concerns about a Republican plan to strip WEC of its power and turn election administration over to the hyper-partisan Secretary of State  Read More Be Careful What You Wish For
Left’s Transgender Talking Points No Match for Actual Peer-Reviewed Scientific Research
There are still many experts willing to publicly challenge the transgender movement. Although under immense social pressure, these scientists and researchers continue to produce reports that frustrate Democrats and their allies. Their studies in peer-reviewed scientific journals provide what should be the only arguments that parents and all commonsense adults need to confront the transgender agenda.  Read More Left’s Transgender Talking Points No Match for Actual Peer-Reviewed Scientific Research
What We Saw in the November Marquette Polls
Looking just a little deeper at polling can reveal a lot.   Read More What We Saw in the November Marquette Polls
How Our Dictator Arrives: Surfing On A Wave Of Paperwork
By William Briggs - The 1980 book, not well named, is The Law of Longer Life. A better title might be Death By Bureaucracy, for that, in effect, is how they predict our culture will end. But only after the people ruled by the bureaucracy become sick and weak because of malnutrition. Not a metaphorical malnutrition: actual bad diets. Usually insufficient food.  Read More How Our Dictator Arrives: Surfing On A Wave Of Paperwork