From 7 am to 8pm Tuesday, the Free Market Voice for Wisconsin will be hosting an online forum on its website:
“We have a cadre of citizen correspondents lined up all across the state, ready to report on Election Day events throughout Wisconsin,” said MacIver President Brett Healy. “However, everyone in Wisconsin is welcome to participate in this unique forum that will record history as it happens.”
Contrbutors can merely read the various posts or submit their own original content.The MacIver Institute’s History as it Happens Election Day Live Blog will record information, anecdotes and analysis on:
- The most hotly contested local races
- Voting experiences at polling places across Wisconsin
- Turn out levels throughout the day
- Final GOTV activities by candidates
- Local referenda across the state
- Any incidents of voting irregularities
The forum will be moderated by the team at MacIver. Promotion of individual candidates or political parties, promotion of any organization or cause, innuendo, rumor and name calling will be prohibited.
The MacIver team will also be running a few online polls on the forum throughout the day.
See History as it Happens at the MacIver Institute Election Day Live Blog.