January 26, 2017
[Madison, Wis…] Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) were center stage in the Assembly and Senate this week as both bodies held hearings on a bill that would prohibit governments from requiring the union-friendly agreements as a condition to bid on public projects.The bill, Assembly Bill 24 (AB 24), was introduced by Rep. Rob Hutton (R-Brookfield) in the Assembly and Sen. Leah Vukmir (R-Brookfield) in the Senate. It would essentially forbid state and local governments from requiring that a contractor employ union labor as a prerequisite for being awarded the contract on a taxpayer funded project. Instead, bidding would be open to all contractors, both union and non-union shops.
Rep. Hutton testified before the Assembly Committee on Labor on Tuesday morning. He made the case that his bill wouldn’t forbid the use of PLAs, but that it would level the playing field between union and non-union shops when bidding on publicly funded projects.
.@StateRepHutton testifying before Asm Labor Cmte on PLA legislation pic.twitter.com/rIJ5nlBZam
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 24, 2017
Hutton: legislation does nothing to eliminate #PLA's from govt projects. It only prevents them from being used as a prerequisite to bid.
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 24, 2017
Democrats on the committee continued asking Hutton if he was opposed to local workers and veterans working on projects, good paying jobs, retirement, and even workers being able to put bread on the table, all of which they claimed Hutton’s bill threatened.
Rep. Ohnstad asking Hutton if he's opposed to local workers, veterans working on projects. Hutton says he's not opposed to any workers.
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 24, 2017
Rep. Sinicki asks Hutton if #PLA bill would lead to out of state firms coming into WI. Hutton says it could help create jobs in WI.
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 24, 2017
Sinicki asks if Hutton is opposed to good paying jobs, retirements, bread on table. Hutton says #PLA bill will help all firms in economy
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 24, 2017
.@StateRepHutton: #PLA legislation opens more opportunity for non-union firms that employ veterans.
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 24, 2017
A speaker testifying for the state AFL-CIO made the claim that without union labor, Wisconsin’s infrastructure could end up looking like the infrastructure in Bangladesh, a claim Rep. Dan Knodl pushed back against.
AFL-CIO representative testifying on #PLA bill at Asm Labor Cmte pic.twitter.com/zBjaatQyTJ
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 24, 2017
Rep. Knodl challenges union testimony that WI roads and bridges could end up looking like Bangladesh if not for #PLA's, union work.
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 24, 2017
John Mielke, testifying for Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of Wisconsin, said government should spend taxpayer dollars prudently and fairly. He said it’s unfair for non-union workers to pay taxes, yet have no opportunity to work on their local taxpayer-funded projects because of a PLA.
John Mielke of @ABCofWisconsin testifies before Asm Labor Cmte on @StateRepHutton @LeahVukmir #PLAreform bill pic.twitter.com/hFLcOds32K
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 24, 2017
Mielke: when spending taxpayer dollars, govt should spend fairly. Not fair for nonunion workers to pay taxes, not have opp to do the work
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 24, 2017
A representative from ABC’s national organization made the case that PLAs are essentially a government-enforced monopoly for union shops, paid for by the taxpayers.
ABC rep: #PLA's are about unions asking govt to give them monopoly over projects at taxpayer expense. #PLAreform prevents that. #wiright
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 24, 2017
Rep from ABC national: Research shows #PLA's increase costs to taxpayers by 12-18%
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 24, 2017
While Dane County Executive Joe Parisi testified against the PLA reform bill, he agreed with committee chairman Rep. Bob Kulp on one point.
.@RepKulp: #PLAreform bill isn't pulling the thread that will unravel western civilization. Co Exec Parisi agrees.
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 24, 2017
The companion bill, Senate Bill 3 (SB 3) was heard before the Senate Committee on Labor and Regulatory Reform Wednesday. Arguments for and against the bill were much the same as in the Assembly, except one senator who took a different view on special interests getting favors from government.
#Wisconsin Senate hearing on Project Labor Agreements begins #wipolitics pic.twitter.com/OgwfUNQKrF
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 25, 2017
Sen Bob Wirch just said it's ok for politicians to push contracts to special interests. If you don't like it vote for someone else #WISOTS
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) January 25, 2017