Rollback of Costly Power Plan will save Wisconsinites $1.82 billion
March 28, 2017
[Madison, Wisc…] President Trump’s executive order instructing the Environmental Protection Agency to begin a review of the “Clean Power Plan,” President Obama’s slate of job-killing rules and regulations, is welcome news for Wisconsin and the nation.In response to President Trump’s action today, MacIver Institute President Brett Healy issued the following statement:
“By beginning to unravel the Costly Power Plan, President Trump has improved the lives of Wisconsinites dramatically. Since Wisconsin is more reliant on coal than most states, this bureaucratic boondoggle would have cost our state dearly in job losses, rate hikes, and lost economic potential.”
The Clean Power Plan, a series of devastating regulations developed by Obama’s EPA, would limit carbon emissions from coal-fired electricity power plants, cutting the allowable amount of emissions by more than half. Despite the high economic cost, the CPP would only change global temperature by under two-hundredths of a degree Celsius by the end of the century.
A MacIver Institute and Beacon Hill study in 2015 found that the CPP would cost Wisconsinites 21,000 jobs and $1.82 billion in disposable income by 2030. It also found that the CPP would cause the average household electric bill to jump $225 and would cost the average Wisconsin industrial ratepayer an extra $105,094 per year if implemented.
“The CPP was imposed on Americans by unelected, faceless bureaucrats in Washington. President Trump’s executive order rolls back one of the most draconian overreaches in the history of big government.”
“By signing this order, the President will preserve thousands of jobs in Wisconsin, prevent a spike in electricity rates for hard working Wisconsin families, and keep more income in peoples’ pockets.”