January 23, 2018
MADISON, Wis. – It seems that some Wisconsin lawmakers are so nostalgic for the old days of the Great Depression that they now want to revive an archaic program that died years ago – the Civilian Conservation Corps.
At least that’s what one Assembly bill up for a vote in the Assembly today would do. AB 688 would resurrect the archaic Wisconsin Conservation Corps, a costly Great Depression-era program that was scrapped by Gov. Jim Doyle in 2003.
“Wisconsin just tied our all-time low unemployment rate of 3 percent,” said AFP Wisconsin Director Eric Bott. “With employers struggling to find able-bodied workers, it seems an odd time to reestablish a New Deal government make-work program.”
[bctt tweet=”“WI just tied our all-time low unemployment rate of 3%,” said @BottAFP. “With employers struggling to find able-bodied workers, it seems an odd time to reestablish a New Deal gov’t make-work program.” #wiright #wipolitics ” username=”MacIverWisc”]“Those who cherish liberty should always be leery of ideas that expand government. Taxpayers know all too well that once a government program is created, it is nearly impossible to ever end that program, no matter how outdated that program is. The resurrection of the Conservation Corps is proof that even when you are successful in killing a government program, you really haven’t killed it,” said MacIver Institute President Brett Healy.
“Gov. Walker and the Legislature have made great progress recently expanding liberty in this state when they deleted an entire tax and an outdated program. This proposal would be a step backward,” Healy said.
[bctt tweet=”“@GovWalker and the Legislature have made great progress recently expanding liberty in this state when they deleted an entire tax and an outdated program. This proposal would be a step backward,” Healy said. #wiright #wipolitics” username=”MacIverWisc”]