July 21, 2020
In response to a information request from MacIver, Governor Evers’ Adminstration revealed this week that 81% of the Wisconsinites who have passed away from COVID-19, died having another serious, underlying health condition or a what is known in medical circles as a comorbidity.
According to DHS, only 1% of the deaths have been caused by COVID only, no other conditions, the rest are unknown because of questions about how the death information was recorded.
While we believe that any loss of life is tragic, the fact that the vast majority of the deceased in Wisconsin had another comorbidity seems like a pretty important piece of information that the public has a right to know.
Makes you wonder why the Evers administration didn’t share this information with the public for over four months and then only did so because a media organization forced them to.
If we are to get through this together, we all need access to all the COVID-19 information.
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