Former Supreme Court Justice and Special Counsel Michael Gableman released a second interim report today in conjunction with his testimony before the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections.
Top Takeaways:
- Zuckerberg’s financing of partisan voter targeting and turnout efforts violated Wisconsin law
- Partisan, dark money groups had access to a ballot tracking and harvesting application allowing direct, real-time access to WisVote and Badger Books
- Numerous instances of nursing home voter fraud and forgeries were revealed
- Zuckerberg is financing the legal defense of Wisconsin election officials who colluded to turn over election operations to partisan groups in 5 key Biden cities
Gableman on Zuckerberg Bucks
The report details contracts signed by city officials in 5 cities important to the Biden campaign agreeing to target specific voter groups with special assistance and encouragement to vote, in return for millions of dollars. The municipalities agreed to conduct elections under rules set forth by a dark money group run by long-time partisan strategists who threatened clawbacks of the funding if officials did not comply. Among the many requirements cities agreed to was a requirement to implement ballot drop boxes which are not legal under Wisconsin law. Wisconsin law has been clear for years that ballot drop boxes are illegal and the Wisconsin Supreme Court has since prohibited the use of ballot drop boxes in the upcoming April election.
The grant funds were touted as a means to protect the health and safety of voters in a pandemic, but the paltry 0.8% of funds used in Green Bay used for personal protective equipment gives lie to that contention.
In reality, the voter targeting financed by Zuckerberg and operationalized by partisan dark money groups was not focused on making it safe for all Wisconsin voters to vote, but to induce specific non-voters to go to the polls on Election Day.
The grant funds didn’t make voting safer but they did buy unprecedented and illegal access to the administration of elections in those 5 cities, voter data, and a voter contact effort strategically designed to benefit one candidate.
Cities turned over the operation of election operations in return for the money they used to buy pickup trucks, an RV, murals, and stickers. Click here to read a more detailed analysis of what the city of Racine used the Zuckerbuck money for that is found in a complaint filed with WEC by two residents of Racine.
What clerks’ duties are supposed to be:
What clerks had to do to get the Zuckerberg Bucks:
Gableman asserts that Zuckerbucks were offered with partisan intent and accepting them was a partisan act that violated state election bribery laws.
Dark Money Access to Wisconsin Voter Database
One of the most troubling revelations in the Gableman report was that these partisan groups had – via the cities they were paying to operationalize their voter turnout strategy – direct access to Wisconsin’s voter poll books and WisVote – the database containing election data, voter registration, ballot access, ballot tracking, and polling places.
This direct access by outside partisan technology experts raises substantial security concerns. Gableman says CTCL and her affiliated dark money groups were getting the Wisconsin poll list every day – free – during the run-up to the 2020 elections. The list costs everyone else over $12,000 each time it is requested.
According to OSC Gableman interim report: “Nothing could be more repugnant to democracy than private corporations paying to increase voting access for targeted demographic groups, so that they can manipulate election outcomes – something that will occur repeatedly under the auspices of the WSVP provisions. Private corporations were paying money to affect the election outcome. So strict scrutiny must apply when private funding of election administration targeting voter groups is involved-because the credibility of our federal elections is at stake.”
Justice Gableman also pointed out all the connections between WEC administrator Meagan Wolfe and Zuckerbucks. Here is MacIver’s original report on this where Administrator Wolfe admits she introduced the partisan outsider to the Zuckerberg 5, the five cities in Wisconsin.
Stealing Votes at Nursing Homes
Michael Gableman directly ties WEC’s violating state election law to this problem. pic.twitter.com/t4gvxDM0If
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) March 1, 2022
The report details serious fraudulent activity occurring in nursing homes. The illegal activity in these facilities ran the gamut from forgery of signatures and illegal distribution and marking of ballots to people casting ballots for mentally incapacitated patients.
WEC allowed fraud to proliferate in state nursing homes by ignoring statutes meant to protect the elderly from having their votes stolen or exploited. According to the interim report, WEC actually facilitated the fraud resulting in some facilities seeing 100% voting turnout.
It’s not just the elderly people who were harmed – casting fraudulent votes for incompetent nursing home residents effectively steals two votes: First, that of the individual who could not have cast their own vote, and second, the lawful voter whose vote was negated by that fraudulent vote.
From the Gableman Report:
Justice Gableman played videos of interviews with nursing home residents who voted in the 2020 election and tests of their cognitive abilities. In the videos, guardians are present and have signed releases. In the videos, it is clear these individuals were not capable of making a rational and coherent decision about who they should vote for. MacIver columnist Dan O’Donnell raised this concern after families reached out to him about their loved ones back in 2020. See the original story here. The video of Dan’s testimony in December of 2020 has gone viral on social media.
Specific examples of nursing home vote fraud from the report:
- In Brown County Facility 1, 20 absentee ballots were cast. A study of the Absentee Ballot Envelopes obtained through open records request revealed all 20 of the envelopes were witnessed by the same person. At this facility, Resident A voted, and Resident A’s family provided copies of that resident’s signature against the signature on the absentee envelope, and they do not match. Further, Resident A does not have the mental capacity to vote as is evinced in a video interview.
- At the same facility, Resident B, according to WisVote data, voted twice, both by absentee ballot.
- In Brown County Facility 2, Resident C voted in 2020. According to the family, Resident C was not of sound mind for over 10 years. This is documented in a video interview;
- In Brown County Facility 3, Resident D was taken from the facility to vote by family and guardian to Resident D’s assigned polling location. Resident D had registered to vote at this location on Oct 29th as well. When Resident D presented herself to vote on election day, Resident D was told that Resident D had already voted. After questioning from family, Resident D recollected that someone at the nursing home had come around talking about voting at the nursing home, however, Resident D denied voting at the home. WisVote shows her voting absentee;
- In Dane County Facility 1, Resident E, who has been adjudicated incompetent since 1972, voted in 2020. Video of Resident E shows Resident E is clearly not mentally capable of voting;
- In Dane County Facility 2, Resident F never requested an absentee ballot for the November 2020 election, yet received one. Resident F’s guardian intercepted the ballot and subsequently, Resident F did not vote. The guardian notified the nursing home that Resident F was no longer going to be voting yet in the Spring of 2021, WisVote records reveal that Resident F voted again;
- In Kenosha Facility 1, Resident G voted absentee in the Nov 2020 election. Resident G was interviewed on video and it shows she is clearly incapable of voting;
- In Kenosha Facility 2, Resident H voted absentee in November of 2020. Resident H’s guardian reported it as Resident H is incapable of voting as Resident H suffered from severe dementia. However, WisVote records indicate Resident H voted throughout the calendar year 2020;
- In Milwaukee County Facility 1, WisVote data shows 3 adjudicated incompetent voters voted in the November 2020 election. However, it was actually 2 individuals with one casting two ballots;
- In Milwaukee County Facility 2, Resident I is 104 years old and clearly incompetent. Resident I’s family indicated Resident I had been incompetent for several years. This is an extremely egregious case as shown by the video of Resident I with family. Resident I cannot comprehend anything;
- In Outagamie County facility 1, Resident J, who has been adjudicated incompetent not only voted in the November 2020 election, but she also voted in February 2021. The video of Resident J verifies the fact that Resident J is incompetent.
- In Washington County Facility 1, Resident K was found incompetent in 2018 by two separate doctors. Resident K cast a ballot in the November 2020 Presidential election. Resident K passed in November of 2021.
Justice Gableman played 8 videos like this and said there are 92,000 nursing home residents in the state.
Illegal Legal Defense Pay-Offs
Gableman says public officials in Wisconsin are turning again to Mark Zuckerberg to help pay for legal fees if they’re charged with election fraud. pic.twitter.com/p4ByIWcMj7
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) March 1, 2022
Gableman says Zuckerberg is now paying legal fees for Wisconsin election officials who anticipate being charged for election fraud.
The OSC report covers the impropriety of “legal defense funds” being offered to Wisconsin election officials by the Center for Election Innovation and Research. The group is funded by Zuckerberg and was founded by Democrat attorney David Becker, the subject of a US DOJ ethics investigation revealing partisan conduct as a Justice employee.
CEIR is under scrutiny for providing millions of dollars in media consulting fees to Democrat firms in Michigan in 2020 for “voter education.”
The OSC report details how public officials in Wisconsin are prohibited from accepting items of value – which would certainly include legal representation – as a reward for actions in their official capacity.
Justice Gableman did recommend in his interim report to eliminate the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) because it is “hopelessly incompetent” in addition to its various election crimes. He also said that the Wisconsin legislature should seriously consider decertifying the 2020 election and included a section in the report’s appendix that lays out a legal rationale for the Legislature to do just that. Previously, non-partisan attorneys who work for the Legislature have stated that there is no legal basis to decertify a Presidential election.
Finally, Justice Gableman said that the investigation has not found the truth yet “but we’re getting there.”