The Legislative Fiscal Bureau is now out with its analysis of the Joint Committee on Finance action on the 2009-11 State Budget
Contrary to the talking points they’ve been peddling, the Democrats’ actions made a bad budget even worse. The JFC proposes to spend nearly $3.7 billion more than the 2007-09 Budget and to do so will borrow even more than the Governor proposed in February.
Doyle’s proposed $2.713 billion in General Obligation and Revenue bonding, JFC upped the ante–their secret late night deal includes $3.31 billion in bonding.
The budget, as altered by the Joint Finance Committee, increases spending (all funds) by 6.3 percent ($3.685 billion) compared to the last State Budget. Total spending in this proposal now stands at $62.243 billion.
As for the efforts of the Joint Finance Committee:
For all their rhetoric about all the tough cuts they’ve made through their late-night secret deal making, state spending goes up nearly $3.7 billion under their plan.