August 8, 2019
“Democracy” isn’t what it used to be, at least if you’re a radical progressive.
For the progressive group Indivisible, it’s a code word for rigging the nation’s electoral system to make sure they never lose control of government again.
Of course step one is seizing the White House and Congress in 2020. Step two is reforming American democracy. Translation–a fundamental transformation of America.
Their plan calls for creating new states, and Democrat senators, by granting statehood to Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico.
They would overhaul how we vote for Congress, stack the Supreme Court and term-limit justices, expand voting rights to illegal immigrants, criminals, and 16-year-olds, and break up media companies and subsidize local journalism, a recipe for a propaganda machine.
Indivisible bills its plan as a way to save American democracy. But between the lines, it reads more like a manifesto for erasing the Constitution.
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