Sep. 30, 2020
A MacIver Investigation last week discovered that the Evers administration was misleading the public by publicizing a Covid positive test rate that only analyzed some of tests administered to Wisconsinites, not all of the tests.
The administration even went so far as to get their buddies at Politifact to rate our investigation as, no surprise here, pants on fire.
Politicfact however is probably surprised, and a little upset quite frankly, that just hours after carrying water for Evers, the Administration actually did a 180 and publicized the positive rate using all tests administered.
If our investigation was so ridiculous Politifact, why did the Evers Administration publicize the exact data that MacIver asked about?
You won’t be surprised to find out that if you include all tests administered when calculating the positive test rate, the percentage drops significantly. Check it out for yourself.
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