Mar. 9, 2021
President Biden’s $1.9 trillion, that’s trillion with a t, covid relief bill passed this weekend. The biggest problem with this latest non-covid covid relief effort? The vast majority of spending does NOT go towards covid relief.
Wait, what?
That’s right, only about 8.5% of the spending goes to combat covid19 and just 1% of it goes to the vaccination effort.
Instead this mammoth, gigantic, colossal non-covid covid relief bill spends $86 billion on a bailout for unions, $1.5 million on a bridge for Sen. Schumer, $570 million so the horribly overworked and destitute government employees can have 15 weeks, yep 15 weeks of paid leave, $270 million to the arts, $200 million for the Institute of museums, $91 million for outreach to student loan borrowers…oh my goodness!
I’m going to stop before my head explodes on air. For the full list, visit the MacIver Institute Face Book page.
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