MacIver News Service | May 5, 2014
[Madison, Wisc…] The most recent cash flow activity reported to the Joint Finance Committee shows once again how the current administration is taking care of Wisconsin taxpayer dollars. The absence of negative numbers in the monthly Beginning Balance column continues a trend dating back to February of 2011. The last time the state’s general fund started the month in the red was the month before, January 2011.The Walker administration’s cash flow record starkly contrasts those of the Doyle administration, whose lack of fiscal discipline we have chronicled. Much like your own family budget, government spending in the red becomes unsustainable in the long run, causing headaches for citizens and politicians alike.
As the recent report suggests, monthly balances are forecasted to stay in the black for the summer and into the fall. A welcome sign as Illinois continues to experience financial turmoil from irresponsible spending and fiscal mismanagement.