From The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
From John A. Scocos, Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs.
Their sacrifice for our freedom
Memorial Day is the most solemn day of recognition and remembrance we as a nation offer in memory of those who are no longer with us. This is the day we remember all of our war dead of the past 237 years and honor their service and sacrifice. The men and women we honor Monday gave their all for a purpose much larger than themselves; they dared and gave all for our safety, security and freedom.
The life we as Americans enjoy was not bought nor sustained cheaply. From the very beginning, it was paid for with the blood, sweat and tears of patriots. Our security is still purchased the same way; young men and women voluntarily placing themselves at our service, doing exactly what we ask of them and often much more. The past decade has shown the willingness of a generation to step up when called and to join a military at war, knowing they will be sent into harm’s way.
All the soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marine or Coast Guardsmen who enlisted or sought a commission in our armed forces after Sept. 11, 2001, were aware of what was being asked of them — the challenges, the personal sacrifices and the danger. Knowing this, they still committed to serving their country, just as many generations before them served in times of peril.
To read the entire column, click here.