April 18, 2017
By Chris Rochester | MacIver News Service
[Kenosha, Wisc…] A crowd of hundreds gathered outside tool manufacturer Snap-on’s facility in Kenosha Tuesday afternoon. Many were there to protest President Trump, who toured the facility and signed two executive orders during his visit. An equally large crowd, however, showed up to voice their support for the president.MacIver News was there providing live coverage. Trump supporters and protesters gathered on opposite sides of Kenosha’s 80th Street outside the Snap-on plant. Be aware, some portions of this report contain profanity.
Crowds gather in advance of Trump Kenosha visit. Best guess is several hundred of supporters, protesters. #wiright pic.twitter.com/FmSO3kkG8c
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) April 18, 2017
Walking through the crowd, we found a number of Trump supporters mixing in with the Trump protesters.
These #Trump supporters are mixing, conversing with anti-Trump demonstrators. #TrumpInWI #wiright #wipolitics pic.twitter.com/ODoXrnoH8H
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) April 18, 2017
While police officers were hesitant to estimate the crowd size, we estimated several hundred total – a far cry from the more than 5,000 anti-Trump demonstrators who showed up in downtown Milwaukee immediately after the election. And this time, roughly half were there to support the president.
Wide shot of crowd. As you can see, anti-Trump crowd size might be a couple hundred. #TrumpInWI #wipolitics #wiright pic.twitter.com/NHaFUYYRKT
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) April 18, 2017
President Trump’s arrival was a tour de force. Three Osprey aircraft and two helicopters flew over the crowd and landed behind a blockade of semi trailers in the vast Snap-on parking lot – the last of which likely carried the president.
Three of these choppers have now landed. #wiright #TrumpInWI pic.twitter.com/8XRCk1r34l
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) April 18, 2017
We believe this chopper, which landed at abt 1:45, carried President Trump to Snap On plant in Kenosha. #wiright pic.twitter.com/gnPrlggoqD
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) April 18, 2017
While President Trump was inside the Snap-on facility, groups of anti-Trump protesters crossed the street to chant and march through the pro-Trump crowd.
A group of anti-Trumpers marches through crowd of #Trump supporters. Several arguments ensued. #wiright #TrumpInWI pic.twitter.com/F2r6tqsBI5
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) April 18, 2017
At one point, passions among the Trump protesters got heated.
Verbal scuffle betw pro and anti Trump demonstrators pic.twitter.com/EkOzLFQdHV
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) April 18, 2017
One Trump protester with a bullhorn lingered among the Trump supporters chanting “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA,” a commonly heard chant at Tuesday’s demonstration. This particular protester sought out crowds of Trump supporters to approach with his bullhorn, possibly looking to incite a confrontation.
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) April 18, 2017
One of the more provocative protest signs portrayed President Trump as Hitler and stated he’s “genocidal” and an “enemy of black people.”
One of the more provocative anti-Trump signs here at Snap-on in Kenosha. #TrumpInWI #wiright pic.twitter.com/wqFKOfF74r
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) April 18, 2017
After about an hour and a half, the five aircraft that arrived with President Trump took off, and the crowds quickly dispersed.
The five aircraft have left Snap-on. Crowd beginning to leave too. pic.twitter.com/zJ56Nt7Oeb
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) April 18, 2017
Except for a few last minute chants
Remaining anti Trumpers chanting "this is what democracy looks like" and "f*** Trump." One family on Trump side exasperated w/foul language
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) April 18, 2017