February 28, 2019
MADISON — Earlier today, two reporters from the MacIver News Service (MNS) attempted to attend a state budget press briefing put on by the Evers Administration in the Capitol.
Despite our numerous attempts to RSVP, Bill Osmulski and Matt Kittle, longtime credentialed reporters with MNS, were told by a staff member of Governor Evers that they would not be allowed in to the briefing on the state budget.
In response, MacIver Institute President Brett Healy issued the following statement:
“I hope Gov. Evers will step in here, realize just how shortsighted his staff are being and do the right thing. As a government official, you don’t get to pick who attends your press conferences, budget briefings or other public events. The people of Wisconsin have a right to know what their elected officials are up to. Wisconsinites expect transparency from their government officials. Gov. Evers needs to intervene and allow credentialed members of the press to attend his public meetings.”
“Gov. Evers can send a strong message to the people of Wisconsin that he expects members of his Administration to embrace openness and transparency by directing his staff to fix this. I hope Gov. Evers will stand up for a free press.”