MacIver News Service | October 6, 2010
[Madison, Wisc…] Wisconsin lost out on more than a billion dollars in adjusted gross income from individuals who fled the state during the first six years of the Doyle Administration.
An analysis of data from the Tax Foundation shows that from 2003-2008 the State of Wisconsin lost $1,163,861,000 in adjusted gross income. In that six year span, a net of nearly 21,700 tax filers migrated from Wisconsin to other states.
While many left for warm weather states like Florida (6,340), Arizona (4,463), California (2,154) and Texas (3,078), Wisconsin tax filers also moved in large numbers to states like Minnesota (1,190), North Carolina (1,652), Washington (1,253) and Colorado (2,155).
The losses would have been much worse had not more than 10,000 filers migrated to Wisconsin from Illinois and another 3,000 from Michigan.
The figures are available at the website and are adjusted for inflation.