MacIver Institute’s Efforts to Continue in Wake of Supreme Court Ruling


The Free Market Voice for Wisconsin Remains Open for Business

[Madison, Wisconsin…] As a result of the Wisconsin State Supreme Court’s injunction prohibiting the enforcement of a controversial rule, the MacIver Institute’s policy analysis, website and archives remain publicly accessible over the internet. With the injunction blocking a rule that would limit the rights of individuals and organizations to criticize their government, the MacIver Institute will also continue to publish its research and distribute updates to their vast email list.

“We believe the GAB’s attempt to stifle criticism of elected officials runs counter to the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment and we are happy the State Supreme Court issued this injunction,” said MacIver Institute President Brett Healy. “With this reprieve, our website remains up and we’ll continue to churn out the information and analysis that thousands read every week.”

MacIver offers the public original news reporting through their copyright-free MacIver News Service. Any blogger, pamphleteer, newspaper or broadcast station in the state is free to reproduce our articles, with attribution, at no cost.

MacIver Institute analysts also produce research reports and provide commentary on the actions and policies of state and local governments, including the actions and policies of specific elected public servants.

The GAB’s rule would have restricted the rights of individuals and entities to inform, comment and criticize during the months prior to an election.

“The work of state government does not come to a complete stop 60 days prior to an election,” said Healy. “New administrative rules, burdensome regulations and even public policy ideas will be introduced throughout this time period and we will continue to report and comment on them.”

Thanks to their various distribution channels and social networking sites, MacIver’s work has been seen by hundreds of thousands of individuals over the last year and a half.

“The political class should spend less time trying to stifle free speech and criticism of their precious reputations and instead focus on the state’s out of control spending and crushing debt,” said Healy. “With a structural deficit of $2.5 billion and unemployment over 8%, Wisconsin needs their elected officials to grow the economy and bring back jobs.”

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