This week’s installment of “That’s Debatable,” is a disagreement over the Supreme Court’s recent decision on the state’s budget transfer from the Patients Compensation Fund.
Each week, the website asks two veterans of Wisconsin policy and politics, Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now and our own Brian Fraley (a Director at the John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy) to engage in exchanges on a topic of their choosing.
From Fraley’s entry, this week:
Quick everyone. Don’t look at the Supreme Court ruling that served as a denouncement of Governor Doyle’s fiscal mismanagement. Look at the fuzzy bunny over in the corner! Or that shiny object over there! Your debate tactics mirror the Doyle/Barrett campaign plan. And I don’t think it will work. To somehow spin this ruling into a negative for Walker? No one is buying it, Scot.
You can read the entire exchange here.