Later this week, we’ll be announcing the MacIver Institute’s inaugural End of Session awards, which recognize both meritorious and dubious accomplishments in Wisconsin State Government.
Today, we’re asking our facebook fans and twitter followers to help us out.
For the sake of making sure we corral the nominees in one place, please don’t post a reply here, but rather send your responses to
You can nominate an elected official, agency employee or capitol journalist for any or all of the following categories:
Taxpayer Hero
Taxpayer Villain
Friend of the Free Market
Outstanding Citizen-Legislator
Most Powerful Capitol Player
Least Effective Capitol Player
Jedi Mind Trick Double Speaker
Mr. or Mrs. Sensitivity
Steel Spine
Spine of Jello
If you have other topics/nominees let us know by the close of business Wednesday!
Again, please don’t post a reply here (they will be deleted) but rather send your responses to