This week’s installment of “That’s Debatable,” is a discussion of Congressman Paul Ryan’s comprehensive Roadmap for America’s Future.
Each week, the website asks two veterans of Wisconsin policy and politics, Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now and our own Brian Fraley (a Director at the John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy) to engage in exchanges on a topic of their choosing.
From Fraley’s entry, this week:
[J]ust days before the well-orchestrated and disingenuous attacks against Paul Ryan started recently, President Obama praised him for (again) offering his Roadmap for America’s Future, calling it a “serious proposal.” Of course then Obama’s budget director smacked the olive branch that he extended across Ryan’s face, and liberal hacks throughout Congress and the press followed suit. While the president mentions the need for “eventual” fiscal restraint, he and his party are spending this country to the point of fiscal collapse. I know it is very Alinskian of the left to take Ryan and demonize him, but don’t you think we should have a serious discussion about the out-of-control government spending that, if left to continue, will overwhelm not just the budget, but our nation’s entire economy?
You can read the entire exchange here.