Deeply Discounted Turkeys Are Illegal in Wisconsin
Don’t Be A Victim – Make Sure You Pay More Than The Sale Price For Your Thanksgiving Dinner
[Madison, Wisc…] – As a public service, The John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy reminded Wisconsinites today to be on the lookout for illegally low prices as the Thanksgiving holiday draws near and we head towards Black Friday, the traditional start of the Christmas shopping season.Wisconsinites are being warned not to fall prey to low prices or holiday discounts.
Brett Healy, President of the MacIver Institute, noted that “low prices are actually illegal here in Wisconsin thanks to our antiquated minimum markup law. I cannot believe these evil corporations are trying to give Wisconsinites the lowest possible price this week when we buy the turkey and all the fixings for our Thanksgiving Day meal.”
“How dare they give me a deal on my Butterball,” said Healy, tongue firmly planted in cheek.
Wisconsin’s Unfair Sales Act – otherwise known as the minimum markup law – was first enacted way back in 1939. The law essentially makes it illegal for retailers and wholesalers to sell merchandise at a discount. The law mandates certain products, such as gasoline, be marked up at least 9.18 percent above the wholesale cost.
In October, the MacIver Institute obtained advertisements from Walmarts in the Chicago, Milwaukee, and Minneapolis areas. On products ranging from DVDs to school supplies, Wisconsin consumers pay up to 150 percent more than Illinoisans or Minnesotans.
Healy urged Wisconsinites to be vigilant and speak up if they see something that doesn’t look right.
“If you think you might be the victim of a great deal or if you think your yams should not be sold at such a good price, I urge you to immediately call the State of Wisconsin Price Police.”
“If the State of Wisconsin Price Police do not respond to your call for help in a timely manner, ask your retailer if they are selling products at the higher price required by state law. If your retailer insists on trying to give you a good deal, just walk away,” Healy warned.
“We can end this scourge of low prices in Wisconsin,” Healy continued,” if people are brave and speak up for themselves. We have all been victims of unfair sale prices for far too long.”
“If Wisconsinites band together to demand that we pay higher prices, maybe, just maybe, we can make our great state safe again for consumers to shop without having to worry about saving their own money.”