September 7, 2017 | MacIver News Service
[Madison, Wis…] With one final gavel, Wisconsin’s Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) on Wednesday night moved the state’s 2017-19 biennial budget one step closer to becoming law.After being stalled for more than two months, the committee wrapped up its work, with the JFC voting this week on the final big budget items: Foxconn, transportation funding, and taxes.
As we prepare for next week’s debates on the Assembly and Senate floors, let’s take a look back at JFC’s last few evenings of work that stretched late into the night.
1. Transportation: No Gas Tax Hike
The budget committee started strong on Tuesday, moving through a $3 billion incentives package for Foxconn — read more on that issue here. Later that night, the JFC pivoted back to the budget and took on the single most contentious issue of the entire summer: transportation.
The final product closely resembles Gov. Scott Walker’s initial transportation budget that he presented almost seven months ago. It also satisfies his requirement of not raising the gas tax or registration fee on gas vehicles.
Despite a massive push to raise taxes on Wisconsinites, the committee eventually settled on a package that bonds $410 million in total.
Rep. Shankland insists “people all over” asking Legislature to “Just fix it (WI roads)” Like these people? https://t.co/vBS1UdkoWl #wiright
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) September 6, 2017
Having pushed hard for revenue increases months ago, some legislators – including both JFC co-chairs – openly expressed their disappointment in elements of the final product. Rep. John Nygren (R-Marinette) took to Twitter shortly after the vote.
We are addressing reform. We are addressing waste. We are talking about millions in savings. But in no way are we solving our problem.
— John Nygren (@rep89) September 6, 2017
The conversation is far from over and I’m looking forward to continuing to advocate for a dedicated and sustainable solution. #wibudget
— John Nygren (@rep89) September 6, 2017
For his part, Gov. Walker both tweeted his thoughts and released an official statement.
Glad that transportation budget passed yesterday includes our massive increase for local governments to fix roads, bridges & potholes.
— Governor Walker (@GovWalker) September 6, 2017
.@GovWalker statement on passage of DOT budget out of joint finance committee ??? pic.twitter.com/u8sbTXnFt9
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) September 6, 2017
2. A Full Repeal of the State’s Prevailing Wage Law
Two years after the Legislature repealed much of the state’s antiquated prevailing wage law, the DOT budget motion finished the job. After being signed by Walker, the prevailing wage will be repealed for state building and highway projects as of Sept. 1, 2018.
ICYMI: Last night JFC passed a full repeal of prevailing wage. HUGE win for taxpayers! #wiright #wibudget #pwrepeal https://t.co/JGPiecatOv
— Senator Leah Vukmir (@LeahVukmir) September 6, 2017
Walker had included the proposal to eliminate the prevailing wage in his budget introduced back in February, but it was pulled by JFC as a non-fiscal policy item. With the vote on Tuesday, the much-needed reform has finally arrived.
.@AFPWI #torchbearers should be proud tonight. WI moving closer to protecting small biz n taxpayers by repealing prevailing wage. @AFPhq
— Eric Bott (@BottAFP) September 6, 2017
The potential taxpayer savings of prevailing wage repeal are enormous. A study released by the nonpartisan Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance found that state and local governments could have saved as much as $300 million on vertical construction projects alone in 2014 had there not been a prevailing wage requirement.
3. Doubling the Size of the Special Needs Scholarship Program
The committee started Tuesday’s debate by removing barriers to the special needs scholarship program (SNSP).
Most notably, students will no longer need to be denied from the public school open enrollment program before being eligible to apply for the SNSP. That change is estimated to bring 50 more students into the program beginning in 2018.
Another rule change dictated that students would not need to have been enrolled in a Wisconsin public school for the entire year prior to applying. That reform is expected to bring 200 more students into the program.
“Now, I trust parents. And when it comes to special needs…I REALLY trust parents.” says @LeahVukmir #wibudget #wiedu https://t.co/X8mxP2P5Y4
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) September 6, 2017
With an estimated 250 more students allowed access into the program, JFC’s changes effectively doubled the size of the program.
Democrats didn’t let the changes go without a fight, making age-old, anti-school choice arguments such as their claim that there’s a lack of accountability for private schools.
It’s not public vs private. It’s all of us working to find the best fit for each and every one of our kids. #schoolchoice pic.twitter.com/avmJr7HJ0U
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) September 6, 2017
Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R-Irma) launched a passionate defense of the program and of the parents’ right to choose the best education for their own children.
.@MaryFelzkowski explains it isn’t the Legislature that expands choice, it’s parents who choose those schools for their kids. #wibudget pic.twitter.com/xH8lLviSJK
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) September 6, 2017
4. Repeal of the Working Families Tax Credit and the Alternative Minimum Tax
With about two hours of debate, the committee’s motion on general fund taxes took up much the discussion Wednesday night. In that motion, JFC agreed to eliminate Wisconsin’s Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) and “Working Families Tax Credit.”
While Democrats claimed the GOP plan would give tax breaks to “the rich” and hurt working families, Rep. Dale Kooyenga (R-Brookfield) pointed out that just .01 percent of Wisconsin families get the Working Families Tax Credit. Most families spend a significant amount of time applying for the credit only to find out they don’t qualify, like the vast majority of Wisconsin’s working families, Kooyenga argued.
The tax credit was just a gimmick so politicians could write a press release about it, Kooyenga said.
Less than .01% of Wisconsin filers get the Wisconsin Working Families Credit….Say no to gimmicks! Reform the code!!
— Dale Kooyenga (@DaleKooyenga) September 6, 2017
Kooyenga has also taken the lead in the battle to repeal the AMT, which he says makes the tax code unnecessarily complicated and is hitting more and more middle-income families. Wisconsin is one of just six states that still have an AMT.
.@DaleKooyenga: AMT, working families tax cred clutter up tax code, waste time, and yield little results. Tax package repeals both. pic.twitter.com/xrXmdwrEVO
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) September 6, 2017
Rep. John Macco (R-Ledgeview), Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means, tweeted his praise.
I sit on the State and Local Tax Task force with @NCSLorg and this is exactly the inane tax policy we need to eliminate! https://t.co/kqCbesMXyg
— Rep. John Macco (@RepMacco) August 31, 2017
5. Repeal of the Personal Property Tax for Machinery, Tools, and Patterns
While the governor had proposed income tax cuts in February, word quickly spread that there could be more appetite for a different kind of tax reform in the budget. On Wednesday, JFC sealed the deal. The committee would swap Walker’s proposed income tax cuts for a repeal of the personal property tax, which they said was more popular both in their caucus and in their constituencies.
The tax is a levy on business equipment in addition to the real estate property taxes already paid by the same businesses. As a result, the middle class is hit particularly hard by the additional layer of government and taxation.
JFC’s budget repeals that property tax on non-manufacturing machinery, tools, and patterns, beginning on Jan. 1, 2018.
Great to see progress on personal property tax repeal in the budget. It’s a step in the right direction to help small businesses across WI.
— Rep. Dan Knodl (@RepKnodl) September 6, 2017
6. Budget Wrap-Up Motion
Co-Chair @rep89 says 999 wrap-up motion will be small, uncontroversial. #wibudget pic.twitter.com/YZZPJwYKXD
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) September 6, 2017
The all-encompassing “999” budget wrap-up motion came last. Readers will remember that the committee attempted to make substantial changes to the state’s open records law in the last budget’s 999 motion, resulting in a major public outcry.
This year’s wrap-up motion was much more mundane. It re-introduced Walker’s initial proposals to track and publicly report UW System teacher workloads and broaden the qualifications for UW System leadership positions. JFC threw those proposals out early into the process, also as non-fiscal policy items.
Another provision bars System from adopting a policy that would let only faculty, tenured prof. become System President, VP, Chancellor https://t.co/29KPXinsjR
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) September 7, 2017
Another item requires legislative approval to transfer funds to UW-Oshkosh Fdn. Strengthens current law, which only requires JFC’s ok https://t.co/47w0Zkq9Ky
— MacIver News Service (@NewsMacIver) September 7, 2017
With the budget finally clear of the Joint Finance Committee, the next step is a vote on the Assembly floor, scheduled for next week.
Final vote: 12-4. The 2017-19 state budget is now out of the joint finance committee and has been moved to the Assembly. #wibudget
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) September 7, 2017
JFC just passed the 2017-19 state budget on a 12-4 party line vote. Next step is Assembly floor next week. #wibudget #wipolitics pic.twitter.com/RHYzjF8ZC4
— MacIver Institute (@MacIverWisc) September 7, 2017