From the Sauk Prairie Eagle –
The board was considering changes that would have increased how much teachers pay for office visits and prescription drugs. Under the new plan, teachers would have paid $6 for generic prescription drugs, $10 for brand name drugs and $15 for visits to a doctor’s office.
After the school board’s vote Monday night, teachers will continue to pay $2 for brand name or generic drugs and nothing for visits to a doctor’s office.
The school board was considering the change because the cost to the district of the teachers’ health-care plan is expected to rise 5 ½ percent for the next school year or about $300,000 said Superintendent Craig Bender.
If the school board had approved both the increased co-pays for prescription drugs and office visits instead of watching health-care costs rise, business manager Judy Weinstock said the change would have saved the district about $80,000.
See the entire article here: