In a surprise to absolutely no one paying any attention, Wisconsin made the cut for 2022 ranking of the Top 10 Most Woke States.
While this ranking took into consideration only 6 criteria for wokeness, we are confident that any expansion of those criteria would only result in Wisconsin rising in the rankings.
Wokeness – defined in the Cambridge English Dictionary as ‘the state of being aware, especially of social problems like racism and inequality’ and by the Urban Dictionary as ‘self-righteousness masquerading as enlightenment’ – is a term that originated in the Black community and has been criticized as cultural appropriation, which of course is mostly fine when liberals do it.
This is our list of 2022’s Top 10 Wisconsin Woke Moments:
#10 – The Governor Agrees with the Lt. Gov: America’s Founding Was Bad, Terrible and Awful
“Things were bad. Things were terrible. The founding of this nation? Awful.”
Barnes was opining on how colonization and slavery are still impacting our lives today at a Q&A session discussing systemic racism in rural communities. Evers said any criticism of Barnes was “ridiculous” because ‘nobody can be proud’ of slavery.
One might be forgiven for wondering if maybe the two men were conflating slavery and the founding of America. But to be woke means accepting the reframing of American history pushed by the 1619 Project which insists that the US was founded based on slavery and racism not religious freedom or democracy.
It also means believing, as Barnes does, that our dastardly, racist national park system is unwelcoming because the parks somehow “were not made for the enjoyment of people who weren’t white.”
#9 – Evers Council Says Slavery and Colonization Still Causing Poor Health
Evers’ Health Equity Council (HEC) delivered their Executive Summary of how to improve health outcomes in Wisconsin this year. The “features of our democracy” they blame for poor health include colonization, slavery, over-policing, incarceration, immigration restrictions, disenfranchisement, anti LGBTQ+ norms, and everyone not feeling welcome everywhere, all of which benefit the “self-interests of the powerful.” Solutions on the woke HEC docket include:
- Creating a guaranteed income program
- Incarcerate fewer criminals
- Create permanent Transgender Health and Safety Council
- Creating an Office of Environmental Justice to address racist environmental policies
Notably absent from the plan to improve health were hopelessly unwoke things like encouraging healthy eating, exercise, regular checkups, health screenings, not abusing drugs, not engaging in crime etc.
#8 – School District Launches Investigation, Files Complaint Over Middle-Schoolers’ Proper Use of Pronouns
Three eighth-graders in the Kiel School District were investigated after their school district filed a Title IX complaint, accusing them of sexual harassment for not referring to a classmate as “they/them” as the girl wished. Title IX sexual harassment covers serious offenses like rape, stalking, and dating violence. It does not cover adolescents calling a female classmate “her” when she prefers to be called “them.”
Under legal and public pressure, the school ultimately dropped the aggressive and unwarranted targeting of these children. But they did so with no apology or admission of overstepping their authority, instead complaining about the distress district employees suffered as a result of the controversy they created.
#7 – Governor Demands Gun Control; Hands 600 Felons Guns
Earlier this year Evers told WBAY TV that he wanted gun control and that he didn’t think more guns was the best way to protect people.
This is the same Evers who personally used his executive authority to put guns legally back into the hands of more than 600 convicted felons by restoring their right to own guns. By pardoning more felons than the past 5 governors combined, Evers made gun ownership legal for hundreds of people who juries and judges had decided should no longer have that right.
This is another piece of the Evers woke Scold-and-Release policies – it privileges criminals over people who obey the law, values felons more than victims.
#6 – The Criminals Formerly Known as Murderers and Rapists
Wisconsin’s Department of Corrections (DOC) Secretary Carr is troubled by how using accurate terms like murderer, or even the more generic felon, inmate or criminal does harm to felons locked up for being fallible. Since it’s our “moral obligation” to humanize the nice folks who took a life or ruined one, the department is using “person first” terminology.
Now, DOC refers to the people locked up in our prisons are PIOCs – persons in our care – and sex offenders who are being monitored in the community are ‘clients.’ There is a national move to stop offending rapists by using the “negative” term “sex offender;” Colorado recently began referring to rapists as “adults who commit sexual offenses’ instead.
#5 – DPI Acknowledges Their Offices Occupy Land Violently Stolen Centuries Ago, But Won’t Acknowledge Kids Can’t Read or Subtract Today
The 2022 State of Education Speech was preceded by a land acknowledgement, now common in all the best woke circles, with meetings often kicking off with the use of this handy tool so participants can become work to the real owners of whatever real estate they are occupying. The lengthy statement read to the crowd acknowledged that the state capitol and the DPI offices occupy land forcibly and violently taken from native Americans centuries ago, and centuries of racism, colonization, and oppression currently affect tribal nations.
Numbers from Underly’s Department of Public Instruction show less than one-third of students are proficient in English or math. Sixty-four percent of fourth-graders are not proficient in reading. Wisconsin also ranks dead-last in reading achievement among Black students. While Hispanic students dropped from first in the nation to 28th while White students fell from sixth to 27th.
In 2021 Madison Metropolitan School District spent $90,000 on bronze plaques for schools acknowledging they are on sacred ancestral Ho Chunk land. How impactful those plaques will be – given under 15% of Madison students read at grade level – is not up for debate if you’re woke.
#4 – Your Body May Have Birthed That Baby, But You’re Cancelled Now
Woke educators and legislators have increasingly been rejecting parents’ rights to know about their child’s curriculum, behavior, health, or safety. Representative Lee Snodgrass echoed woke politicians across the nation when she used twitter to tell parents and their opinions to take a flying leap.
But it’s more than just telling parents to butt out of if the “experts” choose to teach, what they teach, and whether schools are for political indoctrination or learning. Schools are taking the position – and training their teachers – that parents are not entitled to information about their children and” education experts” know what’s best for every kid, every day, in every circumstance.
And for some, being woke means going beyond shushing and sidelining parents, but threatening their livelihoods if they express views contrary to the woke folk. A Germantown school board candidate – later soundly defeated – tried to get a parent fired for accurate comments she made about ill-fitting masks.
And consider this inspiring young “education expert,” bragging about indoctrinating kids, who somehow graduated with an education degree having been taught “professionalism is patriarchal” and not taught that ‘psych’ is not spelled SIKE, or even SIIIIIIIKEE. You might be woke if you think that the judgement of this educational luminary should be substituted for that of a parent.
“Put the taxes in the bag,” says the education expert.
And adding injury to insult, teachers are isolating confused children from their parents by telling them, “I’m your mom now.” Isolation is a widely recognized form of emotional manipulation, abuse and control used to weaken victims, prevent them from hearing other perspectives, make them dependent on the abuser, and enforce the abusers’ beliefs and rules. This is now standard MO for woke educators.
#3 – She Who Must Not Be Named
2022 marked the 4th year that Mother’s Day hasn’t been proclaimed by the state’s governor, because woke people do not acknowledge gendered and offensive words like mother.
Evers has previously altered the state’s birth certificate to provide a third, non-gender-specific option in addition to the outlandish options of mother and father, and demanded every agency end the use of gendered terms like mother, sister, etc. Evers’ Executive Order explains for the unwoke that using gendered words like mom and sister is anachronous and contravenes the interests of Wisconsinites and that saying parent is more accurate than saying mom.
If you were to think this sounds like it came from someone who does not know the meaning of the word accurate, you would not be thinking like a woke person.
#2 – Bearded Lactating Chestfeeders
Madison Public Health Department recognized August as Breastfeeding month by celebrating “lactating parents” no matter how they do it – breastfeeding, chestfeeding, bodyfeeding…And they featured a bearded chestfeeding lactator because, like the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, they recognize that not all “lactating individuals” identify as women. And some lactating bodies do not identify with the organ called a breast, and don’t want to hear that word when discussing feeding an infant from said organ.
When you’re woke you understand that because some few lactating women don’t “identify” as a woman, all women must be called lactating individuals, so as not to hurt the feelings of the lactating women who think of themselves – lactation and all – as male or non-binary.
#1 – Students at UW’s Flagship Campus Protest Biology, Eat The Bible.
When a documentarian visited the UW-Madison campus to show his film “What is a Woman?” all wokeness broke loose. Administrators posted messages saying how awful it was that people who had differing viewpoints were allowed on campus. The woke folk vandalized several campus locations – in some cases offering an answer to Walsh’s terribly upsetting and harmful question, spray painting “trans women are women.” UW staff tore down flyers announcing the event, protestors came with bullhorns and signs.
When another student began to read from a bible, protestors banged on buckets and played sirens next to him. With a rainbow umbrella. First a film is asking people to define what a woman is, and then a student reading a bible.
Harmful! Intolerable!
So the woke folk took the bible, shredded it into the street while one began to cram pages in their mouth and tear into it with their teeth. One assumes biology textbooks are similarly devoured to combat ‘demon chromosome science.’