Need a summary of how the November 2020 election fared in Wisconsin? Read below to learn about the results:
Biden looks to have won over Trump in Wisconsin by about 21,000 votes, gaining him 10 electoral votes.
Party balance remains the same among Wisconsin House Representatives:
Current US Representatives split, WI (R/D/Vacant): 5/3/0
Incoming US Representatives split, WI (R/D/Vacant): 5/3/0
Jim Sensenbrenner’s (R) vacant seat was filled by WI State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R)
No US senate races were up for election in Wisconsin this year.
Republicans lose 2 seats in the Assembly:
Current Assembly split (RPW/DPW/Vacant): 63/34/2
Incoming Assembly split (RPW/DPW/Vacant) (Projected): 61/38
Flipped Assembly Districts: 2
In the 13th, Sara Rodriguez (D) beat Rob Hutton (R).
In the 23rd, Deb Andraca (D) beat Jim Ott (R).
Republicans gain 3 seats in the State Senate:
Current State Senate split (R/D/Vacant): 18/12/2
Incoming State Senate split (R/D/Vacant) (Projected): 21/10/1
Flipped Senate Districts: 2
In the 10th, Rob Stafsholt (R) beat Patty Schachtner (D).
In the 30th, Eric Wimberger (R) beat Jonathon Hansen (D).