Evers’s Department of Workforce Development likes to boast about low unemployment rates and high labor force participation, but how is Wisconsin’s economy really doing?
When your school district wants to pass a referendum, it will say anything to make you believe that it’s broke, the state is cutting its aid, and that neighboring districts are rolling in cash. Do yourself a favor. Don’t buy it. The only way that you will get an accurate picture of a district’s fiscal health is by looking up the facts for yourself. Here’s how to do it. Read More On the Ballot: How to Fact Check Your School District
For the first time, MacIver follows the City of Milwaukee’s lead and considers how Act 10 changed the trajectory of health care costs in Wisconsin. Improved method and sources provide more accurate and reliable data that will enable MacIver to continue calculating Act 10 savings estimates indefinitely. Read More Act 10’s True Savings to Taxpayers: $31 Billion