Budget Committee Takes Up ‘Extraordinary’ Bills Amid Protests, Dem Grandstanding

By M.D. Kittle – the Republican majority on the Legislature’s powerful budget-writing committee early Tuesday morning passed dozens of bills aimed at protecting GOP limited-government reforms over the past eight years and limiting the powers of the incoming liberal governor and attorney general.   Read More Budget Committee Takes Up ‘Extraordinary’ Bills Amid Protests, Dem Grandstanding

The Scott Walker Legacy: An Unprecedented Time of Reform and Taxpayer Victories 

By Matt Kittle – The Republican governor’s limited-government policies were so anathema to their big-government religion that progressives launched a recall movement, the birth of the left’s national resistance movement, against him. They hated him so much that they readily endorsed a secret, unconstitutional “John Doe” investigation — one of the darkest chapters in Wisconsin history — into Walker, his campaign, and many of the center-right organizations in the state. But Walker and the conservative Legislature embraced the battle, and bested progressives at nearly every turn.  Read More The Scott Walker Legacy: An Unprecedented Time of Reform and Taxpayer Victories