Governor Walker Wants More Tax Cuts and Education Reform in Second Term

MacIver News Service – Governor Scott Walker’s re-election campaign released its Continuing Wisconsin’s Comeback plan today, laying out policy priorities that Walker aims to pursue if he wins another term in November. At the top of the list are initiatives to cut taxes, continue educational reforms, and implement more changes to welfare.
  Read More Governor Walker Wants More Tax Cuts and Education Reform in Second Term

Paul Ryan: ‘We Need to Expand Opportunity in This Country’

MacIver News Service – U.S. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Janesville) introduced a range of policy ideas to combat poverty in America during a speech at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) on Thursday morning. Ryan has spent the last year touring the country and learning from people who are in his words, “fighting poverty on the front lines.”  Read More Paul Ryan: ‘We Need to Expand Opportunity in This Country’