LISTEN – Grover Norquist joined the MacIver Institute’s Newsmakers Podcast to explain why the flat tax is so popular with voters, and why conservatives shouldn’t be so down about the future of the country. Read More MacIver Newsmakers Podcast: Grover Norquist on Tax Reform
Dan O’Donnell – Democrats tried use the January 6th hearing to distract America from the disastrous way they have handled the economy. That ended the second the new inflation number was released. Read More Back to Reality
Dan O’Donnell digs into the real reason Democrats are holding six January 6th hearings (the first tomorrow in prime time) and it has nothing to do with the administration of justice. Read More The Real Reason For The January 6th Show Hearings
The proxy voting system is clearly being abused by congressional representatives who are lying about their ability to physically attend House proceedings. As Dan O’Donnell reports, these include members of Wisconsin’s Democratic delegation Read More Laziness By Proxy