Do you think kids in middle school know enough about themselves and the world to identify as bi-sexual, pan-sexual and non-binary? MMSD produced a special, 8-minute long video for National Coming Out Day last month featuring middle and high school students talking about their sexual preferences and identities. Some say they came out while still in elementary school. Read More Is The Madison School District Pushing Kids In Middle School To Declare Themselves Pan-Sexual?
Madison Public Schools
WILL Files Lawsuit Against Madison School District for Violating Act 10

MacIver News Service – The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) on behalf of David Blaska for having a collective bargaining agreement in violation of Act 10. Read More WILL Files Lawsuit Against Madison School District for Violating Act 10
Despite Rosy Annual Report, Madison Schools Still Failing African American High School Students

According to the most recent data available from the Department of Public Instruction, MMSD was the last place an African American student would want to be if he or she lived in a large city and was intent on graduating from high school. Madison had the worst graduation rate for African American students amongst the 20 largest districts. Read More Despite Rosy Annual Report, Madison Schools Still Failing African American High School Students
Madison Schools’ Rosy Report On Student Growth That Does Not Tell The Whole Story

This week, the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) released their first Annual Report on the MMSD Strategic Framework. While the study paints a rosy picture of progress for Madison schools, it omits DPI data that suggests the district has fallen behind the marks it set just four years earlier. Read More Madison Schools’ Rosy Report On Student Growth That Does Not Tell The Whole Story
Madison Teachers, School Board Decide on Contract for 2015-2016

MacIver News Service – After weeks of debate and a unanimous decision to collectively bargain for a new pact, Madison Teachers, Inc. (MTI) and the Madison Metropolitan School Board have agreed on a new contract for 2015-2016. The deal will provide all teachers with a 0.25% raise for the school year. Read More Madison Teachers, School Board Decide on Contract for 2015-2016