Somewhere in the bowels of the New York Times, I’m imagining a WOPR-like machine from the movie War Games is asking Nate Silver, “Would you like to play a game?” Read More Making Sense of the Election
Mitt Romney
Ryan Pick an Effort to Focus Debate on Issues
Though Ryan excels at articulating his plan in any setting, the modern Twitter age of 140 character missives has made messaging even simpler. One social media ready response could be, “Medicare is broke, so why did Obamacare cut $700 billion in Medicare funding?” Read More Ryan Pick an Effort to Focus Debate on Issues
Romney Selects Paul Ryan as Running Mate
On Saturday morning former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, the prsumptive Republican nominee for President, announced he had picked Janesville Congressman Paul Ryan to run along side him as the GOP’s vice presidential nominee. Read More Romney Selects Paul Ryan as Running Mate
Paul Ryan: On the Choice Before Voters This Fall
In three minutes, Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) explains the choice voters face and what is at stake in the 2012 election. Read More Paul Ryan: On the Choice Before Voters This Fall
Ryan on Recent Economic News, Milton Friedman and Freedom
On the 100th anniversary of the birth of economist Milton Friedman, United States Congressman Paul Ryan reflects on the state of the US Economy and offers his take on what Friedman would say about the public policy prescriptions emanating from the current Administration in Washington, D.C.. Read More Ryan on Recent Economic News, Milton Friedman and Freedom