PRO Act would strip workers of their freedoms and force every American worker to either join a union or pay dues to a union in order to keep their jobs Read More Democrats’ Union Fixation Harms Workers
LISTEN – House Democrats are pushing through a lot of radical bills this year. One of them is the so-called PRO-ACT, short for “Protecting the Right to Organize.” That would eliminate all state laws and other protections workers have from union organizers. Read More MacIver Newsmakers Podcast: Erica Jedynak Talks PRO-ACT
A MacIver Institute Analysis – There is something for everyone to love in this budget – from fiscal conservatives, far-left progressives, Republicans, taxpayers, Democrats, big-government loving special interests, lobbyists, to local governments – and something in this budget for everyone to hate. Read More SUMMARY: The 2019-21 Wisconsin State Budget
Like stubborn children who don’t want to clean their room, members of the liberal Madison Common Council don’t like recent laws reforming the use of Project Labor Agreements – and they don’t want to follow them. A Madison city attorney had to remind them that giving union shops exclusive access to public projects is illegal now. Rules are rules, and the law’s the law, even for liberals who would prefer otherwise. Read More MacIver News Minute: Stubborn Madison Liberals Try Getting Around Labor Reform Laws