Evers 2023-25 Budget Weeks from Introduction Read More Hold On To Your Wallets
Evers 2023-25 Budget Weeks from Introduction Read More Hold On To Your Wallets
Congress is expected to pass a $550 billion infrastructure package, one of the largest non-emergency spending bills in the past 50 years. Brian Riedl of the Manhattan Institute gives three reasons why the bill is wasteful and ineffective. Read More Brian Riedl: The Case Against The Senate Infrastructure Agreement
Stewardship vote today How much government-owned land is enough in Wisconsin? 20%? 30%? 50%? The Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program is scheduled for a vote today in the Joint Committee on Finance. The Finance Committee is finishing up its work on Governor Evers’ 2021-2023 state budget proposal. There is speculation that Republicans on the Finance Committee may try to reauthorize the program past the current end date of 2022 and increase the current bonding limit of $33.25 million a year so government can purchase even more private property and take it off the tax rolls. Given the recent fiscal re-estimate and …
LISTEN – President Biden’s $1.9 trillion, that’s trillion with a t, covid relief bill passed this weekend. The biggest problem with this latest non-covid covid relief effort? The vast majority of spending does NOT go towards covid relief. Read More MacIver News Minute: $1.9 Trillion For Non-Covid Covid Relief??!!
A MacIver Institute Analysis – There is something for everyone to love in this budget – from fiscal conservatives, far-left progressives, Republicans, taxpayers, Democrats, big-government loving special interests, lobbyists, to local governments – and something in this budget for everyone to hate. Read More SUMMARY: The 2019-21 Wisconsin State Budget