The Lost Year Of Learning – What Wisconsin Needs To Do To Keep Our Children From Falling Further Behind

Our children have suffered in many different ways during COVID-19, but the forced school closures, isolation from their friends and teachers, and their lost academic progress have perhaps had the biggest impact on their well-being and their futures. What is the Governor doing to get students back on track?  Read More The Lost Year Of Learning – What Wisconsin Needs To Do To Keep Our Children From Falling Further Behind

Budget Blog: K-12 Education In Gov. Evers’ Budget

No push to return all children to in-person instruction or what we do to make up for the lost year of learning Massive spending increases, attacks on school choice, and paving the way for property tax hikes Historic spending increase would be on top of large K-12 funding increase included in the last two budgets …

MI Analysis: Evers’ Climate Change Report Is Steeped In Racial Equity And Social Justice Rhetoric, With An Invisible Price Tag That No One Dares Discuss

The Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change released their final report this December. Their recommendations promise higher electricity and heating bills, more job-killing regulations, more government control, less freedom of choice, and greater costs to build anything. We analyzed the document and explained the most questionable, expensive, and radical proposals. Since the Task Force refused to name the price of their policies, we also revealed how much their recommendations will cost you.   Read More MI Analysis: Evers’ Climate Change Report Is Steeped In Racial Equity And Social Justice Rhetoric, With An Invisible Price Tag That No One Dares Discuss

A Democratic State Senator Proves Election Fraud Took Place in Wisconsin…Because She Committed it

Dan O’Donnell – Sen. Schachtner was not and is not indefinitely confined, but she claimed she was to election officials when she applied for an absentee ballot.  That is the statutory definition of election fraud.  Moreover, on that ballot application is a reminder to voters that making “false statements in order to obtain an absentee ballot” is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine “of not more than $1,000, not more than six-months imprisonment or both.”  Read More A Democratic State Senator Proves Election Fraud Took Place in Wisconsin…Because She Committed it