UPDATE: Milwaukee County Board Passes Resolution Supporting The Legalization Of Prostitution, Illegal Immigration And Marijuana

Legalizing drug-related offenses, providing sex-change surgeries to prisoners, and instituting a national gun buy-back program sound good to you? The Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors is on board. They took up a resolution last month recommending that Congress pass the People’s Justice Guarantee, which would do all that.  Read More UPDATE: Milwaukee County Board Passes Resolution Supporting The Legalization Of Prostitution, Illegal Immigration And Marijuana

Governor Evers’ Task Force Confronts Climate Change With Environmental Justice

Lieutenant Governor Barnes is requiring that environmental justice be a main priority of the Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change. But environmental justice solutions could involve “dismantling capitalism” and changing “innocent until proven guilty” standards in court cases on environmental racism.   Read More Governor Evers’ Task Force Confronts Climate Change With Environmental Justice

Richard Milhous Evers and the Corruption of Woodward and Bernstein

Nearly a half century after President Nixon was caught secretly recording phone conversations, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers is embroiled in a secret taping scandal of his own. Only this time, the world doesn’t seem to care. Dan O’Donnell breaks down the scandal and why it’s suddenly been dropped by the media.   Read More Richard Milhous Evers and the Corruption of Woodward and Bernstein