New Study Finds Middling Education Growth in America vs. the World, Disappointing Results in Wisconsin

Many of Wisconsin’s problems came from students that traditionally tested in the lowest-performing groups. While many states were able to post significant turnarounds when it came to students that graded out in the lowest scoring categories for reading and math, Wisconsin struggled to match these improvements.  Read More New Study Finds Middling Education Growth in America vs. the World, Disappointing Results in Wisconsin

Racine Recount Recap

Roseanne Kuemmel, a member of the Racine County Board of Canvassers responded to a comment made by a Democrat official that this is much ado about nothing: “We don’t feel that it’s nothing. I am very concerned seeing this stuff and we want to know why it is happening and prevent it from happening again…We’re very concerned with what we’ve seen during this recount. The sloppy handling of the ballots, it’s just atrocious.”   Read More Racine Recount Recap

Spending, Not Performance, High at MPS

Part of the problem with Milwaukee’s high costs can be traced back to teacher benefits. MPS provides its teachers with one of the most expensive benefit packages in the state. It includes access not only to the state pension, but also a second pension backed by the City of Milwaukee. As a result, average teacher compensation in the city has climbed over $100,000 for the past three school years. It will be over $106,000 for 2012-2013.  Read More Spending, Not Performance, High at MPS

DWD Mistaken to Back Off Job Center Registration Requirement

If these individuals already accessed a computer when they filed their unemployment claim, what prevented them from registering online with the state’s job database during the ten day grace period? Ultimately, the state backed down and extended the grace period to sixty days. However, if unemployed individuals are serious about finding a new job, ten days is more than enough time to complete a simple online application. We aren’t talking about isolated incidents of non-compliance here. Remember, a large proportion of new unemployment claimants failed to register even after their benefits were put on hold.  Read More DWD Mistaken to Back Off Job Center Registration Requirement

Milwaukee Public Schools Rate Amongst Worst U.S. Urban Districts When it Comes to Reading

Some Progress Made on Closing Achievement Gap By Christian D’Andrea MacIver Institute Education Policy Analyst The U.S. Department of Education released the urban results from the 2011 Nation’s Report Card Wednesday morning. In both reading and mathematics, Milwaukee continues…  Read More Milwaukee Public Schools Rate Amongst Worst U.S. Urban Districts When it Comes to Reading