Wisconsin’s Graduation Rates Rise, but Attainment Gap Between African American and White Students Widens

Wisconsin’s four-year graduation rates increased by half a point in 2011-2012, rising to 87.5 percent. Unfortunately, the state’s attainment gap rose as well – from 27.6 to 29.5 points between white and African American students. Every student group’s graduation rates increased or stayed the same except for African American students which dropped 1.1 points to 62.7 percent.  Read More Wisconsin’s Graduation Rates Rise, but Attainment Gap Between African American and White Students Widens

Progressives Observe “National Day of Recommitment”

MacIver News Service – Union members, liberals, and others from the left joined together on Monday night for the National Day of Recommitment, “an opportunity for activists across America to renew their fight for the rights of working families in America.” The attendees who gathered at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison recommitted their opposition to Governor Scott Walker and participated in a town hall discussion about where the progressive movement in Wisconsin goes next.  Read More Progressives Observe “National Day of Recommitment”

MacIver Institute Study Finds Government Employees Make 19 Percent More Than Private Sector Workers

[Madison, Wisc…] State and local government employees in Wisconsin make considerably more in base salary and more in total compensation than their peers in the private sector according to a new study released today by the John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy.  Read More MacIver Institute Study Finds Government Employees Make 19 Percent More Than Private Sector Workers