Budget Blog: “Unprecedented” Tax Collections Lead To Immediate $2.6 Billion Surplus, Could Reach $5.87 Billion By ‘23

The Legislative Fiscal Bureau’s newly released revenue re-estimates show an unexpected $2.6 billion general fund surplus by the end of FY2021, and an even bigger $5.87 billion surplus by the end of the 2021-2023 budget. This is thanks in part to an “unprecedented” $4.4 billion more in tax collections over previous estimates.  Read More Budget Blog: “Unprecedented” Tax Collections Lead To Immediate $2.6 Billion Surplus, Could Reach $5.87 Billion By ‘23

Why Medicaid Expansion Is Still A Bad Deal And A Bad Idea

In his 2021-2023 state budget, Governor Evers has once again proposed expanding Medicaid in Wisconsin. While the Gov. and his allies have attempted to portray this idea as a no-brainer, there continues to be a multitude of reasons why the Medicaid Expansion is a bad idea for the working poor, the very group it purports to help, and the Wisconsin taxpayer.  Read More Why Medicaid Expansion Is Still A Bad Deal And A Bad Idea