UPDATED: County Governments Seeking Great Powers For Public Health Bureaucrats, Despite Public Opposition 

A wave of county ordinances are being taken up across Wisconsin that give local public health officials sweeping power and authority to control communicable diseases. While local health officials say their authority already exists in state statute, citizens are concerned about the broad “new” powers these ordinances give.  Read More UPDATED: County Governments Seeking Great Powers For Public Health Bureaucrats, Despite Public Opposition 

MacIver News Minute: Ups and Downs of Gov. Evers’ 78 Vetoes

Just before we all left work to celebrate the nation’s birthday, Gov. Tony Evers used his powerful veto pen to make significant changes to the 2019-21 budget passed by the GOP-controlled Legislature. He vetoed out common-sense work and drug testing requirements for welfare programs, despite the strong economy. But surprisingly, Evers left alone the GOP’s $500 million-plus tax cut. For more on the budget and the vetoes, visit maciverinstitute.com.  Read More MacIver News Minute: Ups and Downs of Gov. Evers’ 78 Vetoes

Evers Trades In Campaign Promises For A Big-Spending Budget With 78 Vetoes

By Matt Kittle – At a press event surrounded by cabinet secretaries, Dem lawmakers, and, of course, children, Evers not-so-begrudgingly signed into law an $81.4 billion biennial budget crafted by the Republican-controlled Legislature. The governor made the document a bit more to his liking with 78 line-item vetoes, cutting some GOP initiatives while bolstering k-12 funding by $63 in per-pupil over the life of the budget.   Read More Evers Trades In Campaign Promises For A Big-Spending Budget With 78 Vetoes