No Surprise Here: MPS Blames $12 Million Less In Federal Title I Funding On School Choice

By MacIver Institute President Brett Healy – Milwaukee Public Schools Superintendent Darienne Driver recently announced that the district could face significant financial challenges, once again, as she begins her work preparing for the upcoming 2017-2018 budget deliberations. During an interview with Mike Gousha at a Marquette Law School program, Driver discussed the $1.2 billion dollar budget she will present in May and a potential $50 million dollar shortfall facing MPS.  Read More No Surprise Here: MPS Blames $12 Million Less In Federal Title I Funding On School Choice

Madison Middle Schoolers Explore Very Adult Themes in Class (Warning: Explicit Material)

In the school library at O’Keefe Middle School in Madison, Wisconsin, an eighth-grader is presenting her homework assignment to the class. “When people started calling us ‘lesbians’ that kind of sank her. Just a little more weight on top of her shoulders. It scared me that some nights I wouldn’t be there to hold her,” the girl recited.  Read More Madison Middle Schoolers Explore Very Adult Themes in Class (Warning: Explicit Material)

Greens Going for Recount Gold

Special Guest Perspective by James Wigderson – If Stein was really interested in election integrity, she would try to actually stop voter fraud before an election occurred by supporting voter ID or other election integrity measures. But Stein is likely no more interested in election integrity than the late Fidel Castro, for whom she announced her admiration on the occasion of his recent enrollment on the cemetery voter rolls in Chicago.  Read More Greens Going for Recount Gold

The Hypocrisy No One Is Talking About This Campaign Season

By Chris Rochester – “The reality is the Affordable Care Act is no longer affordable for increasing numbers of people,” Minnesota’s Democratic Governor Mark Dayton admitted recently. This is surely to the great dismay of groups like Citizen Action of Wisconsin, which has pushed for Wisconsin to follow Minnesota in fully embracing Obamacare.  Read More The Hypocrisy No One Is Talking About This Campaign Season