Major Changes Needed After Supreme Court Strikes Down John Doe Abuse

Guest Perspective by James Wigderson – The state Supreme Court announced Thursday a four to two decision to end the “second John Doe,” the coordinated secret investigation, political in nature, into the issue-advocacy activities of Wisconsin conservatives. July 16, 2015, should be commemorated in Wisconsin as holiday celebrating the return of the First Amendment.  Read More Major Changes Needed After Supreme Court Strikes Down John Doe Abuse

For the Government Accountability Board, The End May be Near

Kennedy and his GAB rose to particular public notoriety during the recall elections in 2012. GAB officials publicly stated they would consider signatures reading “Mickey Mouse” and “Adolf Hitler” as legitimate. In fact, Kennedy said they would not attempt to verify the signatures at all, and that signatures could be counted from people who had passed away, who were not even citizens or were duplicates.  Read More For the Government Accountability Board, The End May be Near

Former Republican Senate Candidate Makes Outlandish Claims About Prevailing Wage

Republican legislators received a letter on Tuesday opposing the repeal of prevailing wage that made some pretty outlandish claims. While the over-the-top rhetoric in the letter may not have been surprising to those that have lived in Wisconsin the last five years, the author of the letter who made the claims may turn more than a few heads.   Read More Former Republican Senate Candidate Makes Outlandish Claims About Prevailing Wage

Federal Special Interest Tax Breaks Cost Nearly $1 Trillion Every Year

MacIver Institute – Retiring U.S. Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), author of the annual “Wastebook” publication, takes another foray into government waste and abuse in a new report entitled “Tax Decoder.” The 312-page report highlights nearly a trillion dollars in questionable and crony-like federal tax breaks that are given out every year through our broken tax code.  Read More Federal Special Interest Tax Breaks Cost Nearly $1 Trillion Every Year

What’s Next for K-12 Education in Wisconsin After the 2014 Elections?

Four previous years of Walker’s policies have set the stage for his next four. A look back at the Governor’s educational work shows an emphasis on K-12 educational reform. In 2011 alone, the state expanded vouchers outside of Milwaukee’s city limits, introduced transparent systems for grading Wisconsin’s teachers and public schools, and placed a greater emphasis on literacy in early childhood education.  Read More What’s Next for K-12 Education in Wisconsin After the 2014 Elections?