Minimum Wage Hike Not in Best Interest of Low Wage Workers

Raising the minimum wage will actually hurt the workers the proposal’s proponents claim to want to help. A study by the Wisconsin Restaurant Association says the increase to $10.10 per hour will result in a loss of 16,500 minimum wage jobs, including 11,070 under 21. In the “war on women,” women would lose 9,200 jobs if the minimum wage was increased.  Read More Minimum Wage Hike Not in Best Interest of Low Wage Workers

Wisconsin’s 4-Year Graduation Rates Rise to 88 percent, Achievement Gap Shrinks by Nearly Two Percent

More than seven out of every eight high school students in Wisconsin graduated in four years or less in 2013, according to the latest data released by the Department of Public Instruction. 88 percent of Wisconsin students earned their diplomas on time last year, an increase of .5 percent from 2012’s mark. This continued a path of steady growth that the state has followed over the past four school years.  Read More Wisconsin’s 4-Year Graduation Rates Rise to 88 percent, Achievement Gap Shrinks by Nearly Two Percent

Wisconsin’s 4-Year Graduation Rates Rise to 88 percent, Achievement Gap Shrinks by Nearly Two Percent

More than seven out of every eight high school students in Wisconsin graduated in four years or less in 2013, according to the latest data released by the Department of Public Instruction. 88 percent of Wisconsin students earned their diplomas on time last year, an increase of .5 percent from 2012’s mark. This continued a path of steady growth that the state has followed over the past four school years.  Read More Wisconsin’s 4-Year Graduation Rates Rise to 88 percent, Achievement Gap Shrinks by Nearly Two Percent

10 Questions with Democrat Candidate for Governor Brett Hulsey

Rep. Brett Hulsey (D-Madison), Democrat candidate for Governor, hosted a meet and greet event in Milwaukee on Tuesday evening. At the event, Hulsey sat down with Bill Jaeck to discuss the policies he would push for if elected. Jaeck was not asked by the MacIver Institute to conduct the interview, but instead approached the gubernatorial candidate on his own.  Read More 10 Questions with Democrat Candidate for Governor Brett Hulsey

The Myth of the Gender Wage Gap

Listening to the Democrats this week, you would think that every workplace is stuck in the 1950s, or at best the Mad Men era. It was “Equal Pay Day” on April 8th, and the liberals have turned back the clock on women’s progress. Unfortunately, “Equal Pay Day” is not a day when private sector workers earn as much as their public employee union counterparts. Now that would be a day worth celebrating. It’s not even a day to promote the flat federal income tax.  Read More The Myth of the Gender Wage Gap

‘The Longer You are in the Tea Party, the More Racist You Become’

The city of Madison hosted the 15th annual national White Privilege Conference last week at the Monona Terrace to discuss issues of white supremacy, social justice, education and the Tea Party. We are continuing our coverage of the conference with more details about other sessions that were held. Our second account comes from the breakout session titled: Against the Tea Party Read More ‘The Longer You are in the Tea Party, the More Racist You Become’